The name of this organization shall be Haute Couture Club of Chicago, NFP.
ARTICLE II. Objectives
The objectives of this organization shall be to discuss and learn the techniques of tailoring, current and advanced trends in styling, and topics of interest to both men and women.
ARTICLE III. Membership
There shall be one class of members: regular. Membership is open to everyone. Members are required to pay dues, they are allowed to make motions and vote and can hold office.
ARTICLE IV. Officers and the Board of Directors
Section 1. The officers shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers and committee chairpersons who have been elected by the membership shall be the voting members of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of six times a year at times specified by the President and shall make all decisions necessary for the businesslike conduct of the affairs of the Club after listening to the recommendations of the officers and committee chairpersons most concerned with the matters at hand. More than 50% of the voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
ARTICLE V. Responsibilities of Officers
Section 1. The President is responsible for coordinating the activities of the Club, and for leading the group in a way which promotes the friendly relationships among members which the Club stands for. The President shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Club and shall be a member ex-officio of all Club committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 2. The First Vice President is the Program Chairperson, responsible for planning the programs for the year, insofar as possible in advance of the first membership meeting of the year. The First Vice President shall act for the President in the President’s absence, or if the office of the President becomes vacant.
Section 3. The Second Vice President is the Membership Chairperson, who is responsible for encouraging Club membership as well as seeking out new memberships among men and women. The chairperson will also be responsible for promoting fellowship among Club members and maintaining necessary membership records which includes the updating and distribution of the membership directory.
Section 4. The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings, distributing copies of such minutes to the Board of Directors and handling all other correspondence for the club.
Section 5. The Treasurer is responsible for receiving and depositing all funds of the Club, keeping an accurate record of all financial transactions and preparing monthly reports and an annual report for the membership.
- Checks drawn on the Club’s account must bear one signature of the two authorized signers on the account, who shall be the President and the Treasurer.
- The books shall be audited in the summer of each year in preparation for transfer to the new Treasurer.
Each Standing Committee shall have a Chairperson who shall be elected at the annual election for the term of one year. Chairpersons of Standing Committees are full voting members of the Board of Directors.
Standing Committees shall include:
- Nominating Committee
- Workshop Committee
- Special Events Committee
- Fashion Show Committee
- Tailored Tales Committee
- Web/Social Media Committee
ARTICLE VII. Responsibilities of Standing Committees
Section 1. The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparation of a slate of candidates for office to be presented to the members in writing two months previous to the annual election. Two members of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President. The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee and these two members shall appoint two additional members from the membership at large. Members of the Committee are not barred from becoming candidates for office.
Section 2 The Workshop Committee is responsible for arranging workshops, publicizing the workshops, enrolling members requesting workshop help, and collecting workshop fees.
Section 3 The Special Events Committee is responsible for arranging the Holiday Party and the June Banquet. The President may from time to time delegate to the Chairperson of the Special Events Committee the responsibility for particular activities.
Section 4. The Fashion Show Committee is responsible for arranging and conducting an annual fashion show for the purposes of showing the excellence of the Club’s creative work to the public, and for raising money for charity and to meet the expenses of the Club.
Section 5. The Tailored Tales Committee is responsible for preparing and publishing a newsletter, Tailored Tales, in order to serve the informational, educational, and social needs of our officers and members best met by a regular publication. This newsletter shall be published monthly throughout the ten months of the Club’s active schedule, unless otherwise directed by the President.
Bills for the expenses of publication shall be submitted to the Treasurer for payment.
ARTICLE VIII Special Committees
In addition to the Standing Committees, Special Committees may serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. When a need arises for performing a special function not normally performed by the Standing Committees, the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint a committee to do this. Such a committee shall exist temporarily, just until its assignment has been completed, and this has been reported to the Board of Directors. These special committees are not voting members of the Board.
Annual dues for the club will be set by the Board of Directors and will be due and payable in May. The dues cover the membership year beginning in September ending in August. Regardless of when you join dues will be this set amount. New members’ dues are payable immediately. The Board will determine when annual dues need to be increased.
ARTICLE X. Meeting
Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the first Saturday of each month, beginning in September and closing with the Annual Meeting in May, unless otherwise specified.
Special Meetings may be called by the President at any time by notifying members one week in advance.
ARTICLE XI. Elections
Election of Officers and Committee chairpersons shall be held annually at the regular business meeting in May. A slate of candidates shall have been presented by the Nominating Committee at the March membership meeting, and published in Tailored Tales two months before the election. Until one month before the election, any member in good standing may send to the Nominating Committee chairperson one or more petitions nominating other members for particular offices or committee chairpersons positions. Each petition must nominate a member in good standing who is willing, if elected, to serve in this position for which she is nominated.
If by the time of the election only one candidate has been nominated for every position to be filled, the election can be by a voice vote. However, if more than one candidate is nominated for any one office, either by the Nominating Committee’s nominating more than one candidate or by the addition of candidates by petition, the election shall be conducted by ballot. When ballot is thus required, the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint a temporary 3- member Election Committee to prepare ballots and conduct the election.
Any member may be elected to the same office or committee for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Should any office other than that of President become vacant, the President shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint a successor to serve the balance of the term.
The term of office begins with the installation of officers at the June Banquet.
ARTICLE XII. Amendments
The By-Laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two – thirds of all members present and voting at any regular membership meeting of the Club, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to all members in the newsletter prior to the voting.
Amended March 2016
Amended February 2009 (New annual dues: $20)
Incorporation March 2008 (Name changed: Haute Couture Club of Chicago, NFP)
Amended February 2004 (Associate members can hold office and as a board member, can vote) Amended May 2001 (New annual dues: $15)
Amended November 1998 (New class of member: Associate) Amended October 1987
By-Laws Committee, March 1987
- Mabel Crooker – Chairperson
- Jean Franz
- Ethel Hairston
- Kathleen Kral
- Mae Straper
- Shirlee Strasburg
- Helen Barker-Advisor
- Margaret Walters – Research and Analysis
- Teresa Miller